MonCargo Official
Thank you for using MonCargo.
We are pleased to announce an update to MonCargo’s CSV download functionality.
With this update, we have added several new columns, including a shareable link, enabling users to retrieve more detailed information via CSV downloads. As a result, the old CSV format will no longer be available after March 31, 2025 (Monday). If your current workflow relies on the old format, please migrate to the new format accordingly.
MonCargo will continue improving its features to enhance the efficiency of shipment and vessel movement management.
You can access the new format from the "Shipments" page in the admin panel.
Newly Added Columns
The following 8 new columns have been added to the CSV:
Removed Columns
The following column has been removed:
Due to these changes, the number of columns in the CSV has been updated. If your existing system or workflow relies on CSV data, please review and adjust your settings accordingly.
The old format will no longer be available after March 31, 2025 (Monday), so we encourage you to switch to the new format as soon as possible.
We have added several highly requested fields to the CSV download feature based on user feedback. The new format aims to provide more comprehensive and accessible information, making data utilization more seamless.
Some of the newly added fields include "team_id" (Team ID), "share_url" (Shareable Link), and "initial_etd" (Initial Estimated Time of Departure).
The shareable link allows users to share shipment details via a link with individuals who are not registered on MonCargo. This feature significantly reduces communication costs. Previously, users had to copy each link manually, but by including "share_url" in the CSV export file, the process is now much more efficient, especially when handling a large number of shipments.
Similarly, "initial_etd" represents the first ETD (Estimated Time of Departure) retrieved by MonCargo.
Previously, we provided "initial_eta", which is the first ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival), but now, with the addition of ETD, users can conduct more comprehensive analysis of both ETD and ETA.
Additionally, we have included "por" (Place of Receipt) and "place_of_delivery" (Place of Delivery) data.
Moreover, the "voyage" (Voyage Number) column, which was previously included under "vessel" (Vessel Name), has now been separated into its own dedicated column.
We understand that users who have built functions around the old CSV format may need to reconfigure their formulas. While we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, the transition to the new format will allow for more accurate and detailed analysis.
With this update, we hope to further improve the management and analysis of shipment, container, and vessel movement data.
Thank you for your continued support of MonCargo!
6th Feb, 2025
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By MonCargo, we are actively taking feedback from our users to improve our service. If you have any concerns or requests regarding functions or screen design, please feel free to let us know.
Thank you for your continued support of MonCargo.