Enhancing B/L and Booking Number Validation for More Accurate Tracking


MonCargo Official


Thank you for using MonCargo.
We have strengthened the validation for BL numbers and Booking numbers for certain shipping companies. Previously, there were cases of incorrect BL and booking number entries, but with this improved validation, such mistakes can now be minimized as much as possible.

Examples of past input errors
The following types of input mistakes have occurred:

  • Entering "ONEY123456789101" and mistakenly registering it under "MSC" instead of the correct "ONE"
  • Entering "123456789101" (12 digits) incorrectly as "123456789" (9 digits)
  • Adding extra characters like "MONCARGO-01", which are not actually part of the BL number

With this update, such incorrect entries will no longer be accepted for certain shipping lines, and the system will suggest the correct information type.

Scope of the enhanced validation

This change applies to all input methods:

  • Manual entry (Single)
  • CSV upload (Multiple)
  • API integration

If an invalid entry is detected, the following error message will be displayed:

Invalid tracking number format. Please enter 10 alphanumeric characters. (SCAC is optional)

Additionally, SCAC (Standard Carrier Alpha Code) remains optional, so you can continue entering numbers in your preferred format.

Background of this update

One of the main reasons for tracking data retrieval failures has been input errors in tracking numbers.
While human errors cannot be entirely eliminated, we have strengthened validation to help users detect mistakes at the input stage and correct them early on.

As MonCargo continues to grow, we have implemented validation for certain shipping companies to further improve data accuracy. However, since validation alone cannot prevent all mistakes, we will continue updating and enhancing the system to further reduce input errors.

Release Date

27th Feb, 2025

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